Petite Arranged Flowers in Vase


Want something unique for that special someone? Let us create a one-of-a-kind arrangement. Artfully arranged in a modern vase.

Easily elevate the ambiance of any room with a Petite flower arrangement, specifically designed to instantly refresh your space. Ideal for adding a touch of natural beauty to an accent table, desk, or nightstand, this compact floral display brings a burst of freshness and elegance to your decor effortlessly.

Flowers we may use include roses, ranunculus, dahlias, snap dragons, stock, anemones, sweet peas, and special touches of dried elements and gorgeous greenery.

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Want something unique for that special someone? Let us create a one-of-a-kind arrangement. Artfully arranged in a modern vase.

Easily elevate the ambiance of any room with a Petite flower arrangement, specifically designed to instantly refresh your space. Ideal for adding a touch of natural beauty to an accent table, desk, or nightstand, this compact floral display brings a burst of freshness and elegance to your decor effortlessly.

Flowers we may use include roses, ranunculus, dahlias, snap dragons, stock, anemones, sweet peas, and special touches of dried elements and gorgeous greenery.

Want something unique for that special someone? Let us create a one-of-a-kind arrangement. Artfully arranged in a modern vase.

Easily elevate the ambiance of any room with a Petite flower arrangement, specifically designed to instantly refresh your space. Ideal for adding a touch of natural beauty to an accent table, desk, or nightstand, this compact floral display brings a burst of freshness and elegance to your decor effortlessly.

Flowers we may use include roses, ranunculus, dahlias, snap dragons, stock, anemones, sweet peas, and special touches of dried elements and gorgeous greenery.

Wristlet Corsage
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Bouquet Subscription, 6 month (Pick Up at Folklore)
from $330.00
Bouquet Subscription, 3 month (Pick Up at Folklore)
from $165.00
Classic Arranged Flowers in Vase